Acupuncture: how is the procedure? Should you rest the day after acupuncture?

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Written By Dr. Marcus Yu Bin Pai

MD, PhD. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician from São Paulo - Brazil. Pain Fellowship in University of São Paulo.

The Initial Consultation

Upon arriving for your first appointment, your practitioner will greet you and lead you into a private room. You will then discuss the information provided in your paperwork with the practitioner and discuss your primary concern.

It’s essential to focus on one primary concern to address during your first treatment but feel free to share any additional concerns with your practitioner as it may help them in the diagnostic process.

The Acupuncture Procedure

An acupuncture session typically lasts for about 30 minutes. Depending on the treatment area, the patient lies on a cushioned table, face down, face up, or on either side. Before inserting the needles, the acupuncturist may swab the skin with alcohol or another disinfectant to ensure cleanliness.

Patients might experience a slight sharp sensation when the needles are inserted, but the procedure is generally painless.

After placing the needles, they may be gently stimulated by hand or with electricity. This stimulation helps promote the release of endorphins and enhances the treatment’s effectiveness[1]Chon TY, Lee MC. Acupuncture. InMayo Clinic Proceedings 2013 Oct 1 (Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1141-1146). Elsevier.. It’s important to note that, according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, practitioners should use a new set of disposable needles taken from a sealed package for each treatment.

Preparing for Your Acupuncture Treatment

  1. Be rested and relaxed: Arriving at your acupuncture appointment feeling rested and relaxed will help your body respond better to the treatment. Engaging in calming activities before your session can be helpful, such as meditation, reading, or taking a gentle walk.
  2.  Eat a light meal beforehand: It’s essential to avoid attending your acupuncture appointment on an empty stomach. Eating a light meal before your session can help prevent dizziness and lightheadedness during the treatment.
  3.  Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water throughout the day before your acupuncture session is crucial. Proper hydration can help your body respond better to the treatment and promote detoxification.
  4.  Avoid caffeine, sugar, and overeating: Consuming excessive amounts of caffeine or sugar can interfere with your ability to relax during the treatment. Additionally, overeating can cause discomfort and impede the effectiveness of the acupuncture session.

Post-Treatment Effects

Patients may experience different sensations after an acupuncture session.

Some people feel energized, while others feel relaxed. Treatment plans may extend over several weeks or more, depending on the individual’s needs and the condition being treated[2]Kaptchuk TJ. Acupuncture: theory, efficacy, and practice. Annals of internal medicine. 2002 Mar 5;136(5):374-83..

Post-Treatment Recommendations and Treatment Plan

After your acupuncture treatment, the practitioner will remove the needles and provide you with recommendations for at-home care to further your healing process. These recommendations may include diet, herbal supplements, additional bodywork, or other self-care techniques.

Your practitioner will also provide a treatment plan, which includes the number of treatments needed to resolve your concern and the expected timeframe for these treatments.

What to Do After Your Acupuncture Treatment

  1. Continue to hydrate: After your acupuncture session, make sure to drink plenty of water to support your body’s natural detoxification processes.
  2.  Avoid vigorous exercise: It’s best to avoid intense physical activity immediately after your acupuncture treatment. If you need to exercise, try doing it before your session to ensure that your body has time to recover and integrate the benefits of the treatment.
  3. Relax for a few hours: after the first few sessions, your muscles may feel sore for a couple of hours, as if you had worked out. It can happen for some patients, especially after intense acupuncture stimulation or dry needling. After a few hours, it is OK to resume your daily activities such as sports or work-outs.

Safety Considerations

Although acupuncture has relatively few reported complications, it can cause potentially serious side effects if not delivered properly by a qualified practitioner.

If you’re considering acupuncture, seek treatment from a qualified practitioner, verify their credentials, and discuss the number of treatments and associated costs. Additionally, inform your healthcare providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use to give them a comprehensive picture of how you manage your health.


Your first acupuncture treatment involves:

  • An initial consultation.
  • A diagnostic review.
  • The acupuncture treatment itself.
  • Post-treatment recommendations.

After your session, take your time to reflect on your experience by journaling or discussing it with friends and family. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask your practitioner or leave a comment below. Good luck with your first acupuncture treatment, and enjoy the journey toward improved health and well-being!

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MD, PhD. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Physician from São Paulo - Brazil. Pain Fellowship in University of São Paulo.


1Chon TY, Lee MC. Acupuncture. InMayo Clinic Proceedings 2013 Oct 1 (Vol. 88, No. 10, pp. 1141-1146). Elsevier.
2Kaptchuk TJ. Acupuncture: theory, efficacy, and practice. Annals of internal medicine. 2002 Mar 5;136(5):374-83.

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